Navigating the Chills: Paddling Essentials in Beach Haven, NJ

Person Paddleboarding in Winter

Nestled on the picturesque Long Beach Island in New Jersey, Beach Haven beckons paddlers to embrace a unique adventure—winter paddling. Picture this: the water all to yourself, few boats, no buzzing jet skis in the bay, and fewer surfers in the ocean if you're into ocean paddling during the winter. It's a serene and exclusive experience that unveils a different side of Beach Haven and Long Beach Island. As the temperatures drop, the allure of winter paddling is undeniable.

Equipment Considerations:

Stability Paddleboarding

1. Stability is Key in Cold Waters: In the colder months, when the water temperature is unforgiving, and the goal is to minimize time in the water, stability becomes paramount. Choosing the best paddle board for stability is crucial for a safe and enjoyable winter paddling experience.

Paddleboarding with wetsuit

2. Essential Gear Beyond the Board: As you gear up for winter paddling, consider essential accessories like an insulated water bottle, gloves, hats, and wetsuits (which we'll delve into shortly). Capture the beauty of winter on Barnegat Bay with a GoPro or a similar waterproof camera, ideal for documenting encounters with the mesmerizing waterfowl that frequent the bay during this season.

Red Paddle Co Inflatable SUP

3. Trustworthy Inflatable Boards: For those seeking portability and ease of storage, inflatable paddle boards are a winter paddler's dream. Red Paddle Co stands out as a top, trusted manufacturer, offering high-quality, reliable options that are perfect for winter adventures in Beach Haven and Long Beach Island.

U.S. Coast Guard logo

4. Safety First: Wetsuits and Coast Guard Regulations: Knowing the water temperature is crucial for safety. In cold conditions, wearing a wetsuit becomes a non-negotiable. Opt for a minimum of a 3mm full suit, and consider a 4mm with a hood during the dead of winter. Gloves and boots are advisable once the air temperature dips into the 50s. Winter paddlers should also adhere to local Coast Guard regulations, especially regarding personal flotation device (PFD) requirements. While PFDs may only need to be strapped to the paddle board in the summer, during fall and winter, they must be worn. Cold water poses unique risks that demand preparedness.

Bayview Park LBI entrance

5. Best Places to Paddle Board in Beach Haven and on Long Beach Island: Discover the serene beauty of winter paddling at Pearl Street in Beach Haven and on Long Beach Island, Bayview Park in Long Beach Township, and Sunset Park in Harvey Cedars. All three options offer easy access to the bay; however, keep in mind that the town of Beach Haven removes their floating dock in the fall on Pearl Street. Therefore, Bayview Park or Sunset Park offer easier access all winter.

South End Surf 'N Paddle paddleboard outfitter

6. Relying on a Local Outfitter: When venturing into winter paddling, especially in Beach Haven and Long Beach Island, rely on a local outfitter like South End Surf 'N Paddle to ensure you have all of your bases covered before paddling out. Call the shop anytime at 609-492-8823 for expert guidance, equipment recommendations, and safety tips. Local expertise can make your winter paddling experience both enjoyable and safe, allowing you to savor the unique beauty of Beach Haven and Long Beach Island during the colder months.


Choosing the Best: A Guide to Paddle Board Selection for Beginners